Synap Source

Source Info
  • The Synap Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

  • This source is in Beta
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Synap is an online exam platform specialising in the delivery of high stakes exams, assessments and online learning. Synap is used by a wide range of companies and educational institutions to deliver high quality, robust assessments.

This source is maintained by Synap. For any issues with the source, contact Synap via the live chat widget available on your portal, or get in touch with your account manager. Synap also provides more detailed documentation on their website with specific guides and best practices.

Getting started

  1. From your workspace’s Sources page, click Add source.

  2. Search for and select Synap.

  3. Copy the Write key from the Segment UI.

  4. Login to your Synap portal as an admin, and go to /portal-dashboard/settings/integrations. To navigate to this page via the UI, first click on the ‘gears’ icon near the bottom left hand side of the screen, then look for the Integrations menu item.

  5. Paste your write key into the Segment Write Key box and click Save - this verifies and saves your API key.


Synap uses their stream Source component to send Segment event data. On the client-side, this source uses Segment’s Identify and Page events. On the server-side, it uses Identify and Track events. These events are then available in any Segment destination that accepts client or server-side events and available in a schema in your data warehouse that you can query using SQL.

Synap identifies users based on their Synap User ID, which is sent as the userId in Segment events.


The table below lists events that Synap sends to Segment. These events appear as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in other destinations. Synap includes the userId, if available.

Event Name Description
Began Test User starts a test
Submitted Test User finishes (‘submits’) a test (may or may not require marking)
Completed Test When a Test has been ‘completed’ (including marking)
Collection Item Viewed User views a Collection Item
User Registered User registered an Account
Assignment Started User starts an Assignment
Exam User Registered User is enrolled for an Exam
User Logged In User explicitly logged in to Synap
User Session Restored User opened Synap after a period of in activity

To find the list of properties associated with the events, please refer to the Synap Segment Documentation. Some of the events, notably those related to Test and Question submission, have relatively large payloads. You might want to review the Synap Test and Question Analytics Schemas before tracking these events.


Synap sends an identify() message to Segment which consists of the userId and the user traits.

Field Type Description
userId string Unique identifier for the user in Synap
context object User context
traits object Custom traits of the user

Identify traits

Name Type Description
createdAt date The date this user’s account was created
email string The user’s email address
emailVerified boolean Whether or not the user has verified their email address
firstName string The user’s first name
lastName string The user’s last name
marketingEmailsConsent “removed”, “pending” or “confirmed” Enumeration representing the user’s consent to receive marketing emails
name string The user’s full name
profilePicture string a URL pointing to the user’s profile picture, if provided


Page calls include the page path and unique URL.

Name Type Description
name string The name of the page
path string The relative path to the page
search string Any query string parameters from the URL
title string The title of the page
url string The full URL of the page

Adding destinations

Now that your source is set up, you can connect it to destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events appear as expected, and that they contain all of the properties you expect. If your events and properties don’t appear, check the Event Delivery tool, and refer to the destination docs for each tool for troubleshooting.

If there are any issues with how the events are arriving to Segment, contact the Synap support team via the live chat widget which is available to all Admin users of your portal.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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