Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source

Source Info
  • The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source is an Object Cloud source. This means that it sends information (traits) about a thing that exists and persists over time, such as a person or company, and which can be updated over time. Data from this source can only be exported directly to a warehouse, but it can then be used for further analysis. Learn more about cloud sources.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud, formerly known as ExactTarget, is a marketing automation suite with the ability to build complete customer journeys as well as creating, targeting, tracking, and managing email and digital media campaigns.

With the Segment Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source, you can extract data from Marketing Cloud and send them to a data warehouse such as Redshift or Big Query with ease, avoiding having to build your own expensive custom solutions.

If you are trying to set up Salesforce Marketing Cloud as a destination to receive data from Segment, check out Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination.

Good to know: This page is about the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Segment source, which sends data into Segment. There’s also a page about the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Segment destination, which receives data from Segment.

Getting started

API access

To access the Salesforce Marketing Cloud data on your behalf, Segment requires the client ID, client secret and subdomain from your Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration. The integration must also have the following permissions:

Category Collection Permission Needed
Automation Journeys (Interactions) Read
Contacts Lists and Subscribers Read
Hub Campaigns Read

If you already have a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Segment Destination, you can choose to re-use the client ID, client secret and subdomain set up for the destination. To enable the permissions required for the source:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.
  2. Click your name in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Administration”.
  3. Navigate to the existing package with the the Segment destination API Integration.
  4. Adjust the scope according to the permission table above.
  5. Click Save.

If you do not have a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Segment Destination, follow the steps below to acquire the client ID and client secret:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account.
  2. Click your name in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Administration”.
  3. Click the “Account” menu at the top-left corner of the page and select “Installed Packages”.
  4. If you want to use an existing package, click on that one or click “New” to create a new one. Segment recommends giving it a name like “Segment”.
  5. Click “Add Component”.
  6. Select “API Integration” and click “Next”.
  7. Select Server-to-Server.
  8. Enable the permissions as specified in the table above.
  9. Click “Save”.

You should now see a Summary page with a Components section. This section lists your Client ID and Client Secret settings.

Set up your subdomain

Segment will use your unique Salesforce subdomain to make API calls to SFMC. Your subdomain is represented by a 28-character string starting with the letters “mc” in any of your base URIs. For example, in the base URI, the subdomain is mc563885gzs27c5t9-63k636ttgm.

Enable the Salesforce Marketing Cloud source

  1. From your Segment workspace’s /Sources page, click Add Source.
  2. Under the Email Marketing category, choose Salesforce Marketing Cloud and click Connect.
  3. Give your source a name to identify it within your workspace.
  4. Select the data warehouses to connect the source to.
  5. Specify the Client ID and Client Secret values acquired from the API Access section above.
  6. Specify the subdomain aquired from the Set up your subdomain section above.



The Salesforce Marketing Cloud source is built with a sync component, which means Segment makes requests to their API on your behalf on a three-hour interval to pull the latest data into Segment. In the initial sync, Segment grabs all the Salesforce objects (and their corresponding properties) according to the Collections Table below.

The objects will be written into a separate schema, corresponding to the source instance’s schema name you designated upon creation. For example, if you went with sfmc_prod, the campaigns collection will be accessible at sfmc_prod.campaigns in SQL.

Each sync will only sync the data that has been modified since the previous sync.

The source syncs and warehouse syncs are independent processes. Source runs pull your data into the Segment Hub, and warehouse runs flush that data to your warehouse. Sources will sync with Segment every three hours. Depending on your Warehouses plan, Segment will push the source data to your warehouse on the interval associated with your billing plan.


Collections are the groupings of resources Segment pulls from your source. In your warehouse, each collection gets its own table.

Collection Type Description
campaigns Object A campaign in your account. Corresponds to Campaigns
campaign_assets Object The assets associated with each campaign. Corresponds to campaign_assets
lists Object A mailing list. Corresponds to Lists

Collection Properties

Segment performs a one-to-one mapping of all publicly available fields from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The tables in this section outline the properties included in the collections listed above. To see the full description of each property,refer to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation linked in each collection above.


Property Name Description
campaign_code The campaign short code
color The code of the calendar color given to the campaign
created_date Timestamp when the campaign was created
description The campaign description
favorite Whether the campaign was favorited
id The campaign’s unique ID in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
modified_date Timestamp when the campaign was last modified
name The campaign name

Campaign Assets

Property Name Description
campaign_id The ID of the campaign this asset is associated to
created_date Timestamp when the asset was created
id The campaign asset ID
item_id The asset’s unique ID in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
type The asset type. Can be one of: email, triggered send, mobile message, push message, twitter update, facebook update, facebook tab, sites, landing pages, subscriber list, subscriber group, data extension, automation, or event


Property Name Description
category ID of the folder containing the list
client_created_by User ID of the user who created the list
client_customer_key External key assigned to the list in Marketing Cloud
client_id ID of the owner account of the list
client_modified_by User ID of the user who last modified the list
client_partner_client_key User-defined partner key for owner account of the list
client_partner_user_key Specifies the partner key value of a user
client_user_id User ID of the owner account of the list
created_date Timestamp when the list was created
customer_key User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type. This property corresponds to the external key assigned to an object in Marketing Cloud.
description The list description
id The list’s unique ID in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
list_classification Specifies the classification for a list. Valid values include: ExactTargetList, PublicationList, SuppressionList
list_name The list name
modified_date Timestamp when the list was last modified
object_id Auto-generated ID for the object
partner_key Unique ID provided by the partner for the object
type Indicates the list type. Valid values include Public, Private, Salesforce, GlobalUnsubscribe, and Master

Interactions (aka journeys)

Property Name Description
key The developer defined customer key (also a unique identifier within the MID) for this journey
name The display name used in the Journey Builder UI for this journey, this will be visible to everyone who logs into your Marketing Cloud account
description The human readable description of this journey that informs others of purpose
version This number denotes the iteration of this particular journey
workflow_api_version This number represents the current release of the Journey Spec that the Journey Builder APIs will expect in order to understand how to parse and properly respond to your API requests
default_email An ordered list of email expressions used to determine which email address to use as the default, starting with the first expression


Property Name Description
interaction_id The id of the interaction that this goal is associated with
key The customer key for this goal
name The display name for this goal
description The description for this goal, will be displayed in the Journey Builder user interface
type The type of goal this is (only option currently is ContactEvent)
metadata_conversion_unit This value is used for deterministic evaluations of the goal, can be either “percentage” or “wholenumber”
metadata_conversion_value Based on the conversionUnit this is the metric Journey Builder uses to determine if the goal has been satisfied

Adding Destinations

Currently, Warehouses are the only supported destination for object-cloud sources.

This page was last modified: 11 Sep 2023

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