Marketo Source

Source Info
  • The Marketo Source is an Object Cloud source. This means that it sends information (traits) about a thing that exists and persists over time, such as a person or company, and which can be updated over time. Data from this source can only be exported directly to a warehouse, but it can then be used for further analysis. Learn more about cloud sources.

Marketo is a leader in marketing automation. Use the Marketo source to load your campaigns, emails, leads, and other collections into your data warehouse.

This will allow you to write SQL to analyze your email marketing campaigns ROI, or join your email data to other data sources like web and mobile events, Salesforce, and Zendesk to tie nurture emails to re-activation rates in your app.

Getting started


You will need Admin permissions to your Marketo account.

Add a new Marketo source

  1. From your workspace’s sources page, click add source.
  2. Choose Marketo.
  3. Give the source a nickname and a schema name. The nickname is a label used in the Segment interface, and the schema name is the namespace you query against in your warehouse. Both can be whatever you like, but Segment recommends that you stick to something that reflects the source itself, like Marketo for nickname and marketo or marketo_prod for the schema name.
  4. Configure your Marketo source with the required settings (see section below for details) Screenshot of the set up flow for the Marketo source.

Lead Activity Type IDs

In Marketo’s settings, the Lead Activity Type IDs field is labeled as optional, but is required to see the lead_activities table. Segment recommends that you complete this field to see all available data. By default the activity type IDs 12,13,32,37 are used to sync data to the leads table and leads_activity_attributes table.

Configure your Marketo source

  1. Open Marketo.
  2. Go to Admin > Munchkin to find your Munchkin Account ID. Screenshot of the Tracking Code section of Marketo's Munchkin page.
  3. Go to Admin > LaunchPoint a. If you don’t already have a REST service setup, follow these steps. b. Then, copy the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” parameters. Screenshot of the Details section of the LaunchPoint page. c. Paste the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” into the Segment Marketo source settings.

Data should start flowing into your warehouse in the next few hours.



The Marketo source is built with a sync component, which means Segment makes requests to Marketo’s API on your behalf on a 3 hour interval to pull the latest data into Segment. In the initial sync, Segment grabs all the Marketo objects (and their corresponding properties) according to the Collections Table below. The objects will be written into a separate schema, corresponding to the source instance’s schema name you designated upon creation (for example, my_source.charges).

The sync component uses an upsert API, so the data in your warehouse loaded using sync will reflect the latest state of the corresponding resource in Marketo. For example, if first_name goes from Jess to Jessica between syncs, on its next sync that field will be Jessica.

The source syncs and warehouse syncs are independent processes. Source runs pull your data into the Segment Hub, and warehouse runs flush that data to your warehouse. Sources will sync with Segment every three hours. Depending on your Warehouses plan, Segment pushes the Source data to your warehouse on the interval associated with your billing plan.


Collections are the groupings of resources Segment pulls from your source. In your warehouse, each collection gets its own table.

Collection Type Description
leads object All available leads.
campaigns object All available campaigns.
email object All available emails.
landing_pages object All available landing pages.
lists object A set of static list records.
lead_activities object Activities performed by leads.
lead_activity_attributes object Attributes found for each individual Lead Activity.
lead_activity_types object Available lead activity types, along with associated metadata of each type.
lead_activity_type_attributes object Attributes found for each individual Lead Activity Type.
programs object All available programs.
segmentation object Accessible segmentations (subgroups based on a Smart List rule).
segments object Segments inside a given segmentation.

Collection properties


Property Name Description
id Lead id
email Lead email
first_name Lead First Name
last_name Lead Last Name
created_at Date Lead created
updated_at Date Lead last updated
deleted_at Date Lead deleted
custom_lead_fields * Added during set up flow


Property Name Description
id Campaign id
name Campaign name
active Whether the Campaign is active. Only applicable to trigger campaigns
type Type of the Campaign ([‘batch’, ‘trigger’])
workspace_name Name of the parent workspace if applicable
created_at Date Campaign created
updated_at Date Campaign last updated


Property Name Description
id Email id
name Email name
status Status filter for draft or approved versions
url URL of the Email in the Marketo UI
description Description of the Email
operational Whether the email is operational
template Id of the parent template
text_only Setting to include text-only version of email when sent
web_view Whether ‘View as Webpage’ function is enabled for the email
workspace Name of the workspace
version Version/Revision of the Email
subject Subject Line of the Email
from_name From-name of the Email
from_email From-address of the Email
reply_email Reply-To address of the Email
folder_type Folder type of the Email
folder_value Folder value of the Email
folder_name Folder name of the Email
created_at Date Email created
updated_at Date Email last updated

Landing pages

Property Name Description
id Landing Page id
name Landing Page name
status Status filter for draft or approved versions
workspace Name of the workspace
url URL of the Landing Page in the Marketo UI
computed_url -
mobile_enabled Whether the page has mobile viewing enabled
robots Robots directives to apply to the pages meta tags
keywords -
title Title element of the Landing Page
template Id of the template used
custom_head_html Any custom HTML to embed in the tag of the page
description Description of the asset
facebook_og_tags Any Facebook OpenGraph meta tags to apply to the page
form_prefill Boolean to toggle whether forms embedded in the page will prefill
folder_type Folder type of the Landing Page
folder_value Folder value of the Landing Page
folder_name Folder name of the Landing Page
created_at Date Landing Page created
updated_at Date Landing Page last updated


Property Name Description
id List id
name List name
description Description of the list
program_name Program name
workspace_name Name of the workspace
created_at Date List created
updated_at Date List last updated

Lead activities

Property Name Description
id Lead Activity id
activity_id Legacy Id of the activity (Deprecated)
lead_id Id of the lead associated to the activity
campaign_id Id of the associated Campaign, if applicable
primary_attribute_value_id Id of the primary attribute
primary_attribute_value Value of the primary attribute
activity_type_id Id of the activity type
activity_date Datetime of the activity type

Lead activity attributes

Property Name Description
id Combination of Lead Activity id, Lead Activity Type id and Lead Activity Attribute name
activity_id Id of the lead activity associated to the attribute
activity_type_id Id of the lead activity type associated to the attribute
activity_type_attribute_id Combination of the attributes associated activity type id and attribute name
name name of the Attribute
value value of the Attribute

Lead activity types

Property Name Description
id Lead Activity Type id
name Lead Activity Type name
description Lead Activity Type description
primary_attribute_name Value of the primary attribute
primary_attribute_data_type Type of the primary attribute

Lead activity type attributes

Property Name Description
id Combination of Lead Activity Type id and attribute name
activity_type_id Id of the lead activity type associated to the attribute
name Name of the Attribute
data_type Data Type of the Attribute


Property Name Description
id Program id
name Program name
description Program description
url URL of the Program in the Marketo UI
type Program type ([‘program’, ‘event’, ‘webinar’, ‘nurture’])
channel Program channel
status Program status ([‘locked’, ‘unlocked’, ‘on’, ‘off’])
workspace Name of the workspace
sfdc_id SFDC id of the program if linked to an SFDC campaign
sfdc_name Name of the linked SFDC campaign if applicable
folder_value Folder value
folder_name Folder name
folder_type Folder type
created_at Date Program created
updated_at Date Program last updated


Property Name Description
id Segmentation id
name Segmentation name
url URL of the Segmentation in the Marketo UI
description Description of the asset
status Status filter for draft or approved versions
workspace Name of the workspace
folder_value Folder value
folder_name Folder name
folder_type Folder type
created_at Date Segmentation created
updated_at Date Segmentation last updated


Property Name Description
id Segment id
name Segment name
segmentation_id Id of the related Segmentation
description Description of the asset
url Url of the asset in the Marketo UI
created_at Date Segment created
updated_at Date Segment last updated

Adding Destinations

Currently, Warehouses are the only supported destination for object-cloud sources.


How many API calls will the Segment source use to sync all my data?

Segment doesn’t provide statistics for these consumed API calls, since Segment systems only log the number of objects pulled from Marketo as throughput.

Can I limit API usage on the source?

Yes. You can specific a daily limit to the API calls the source will consume. If you don’t set a limit, Segment will, by default, consume as many API calls as are available in the limit you agreed to with Marketo to sync the entire source.

Segment also uses the Lead and Activity Bulk Extract APIs to reduce the number of requests needed to sync the data. For these syncs, Segment has a limit of 500 MB worth of files downloaded per day.

What if my daily Marketo API quota isn’t enough?

If your source needs more than 10,000 REST API calls or more than 500 MB of data to sync, Segment will continue the sync when a new batch of API calls is available.

Marketo’s API quota applies across your subscription. If other applications share the quota, it could interfere with Segment’s ability to sync the source.

Why can’t I find the lead_activities table in my data warehouse? does Segment not ingest it?

You first need to enable the Activity Type IDs (optional) setting in the Marketo source, which must be enabled for Segment to pull the lead_activities collection source. Once Segment pulls the data, it will be available in your data warehouses.

Can I get other collections synced by the source?

Contact Support to get additional collections added to your source.

Can I get other columns synced by the source?

Yes. For leads and activities, choose Custom Lead Fields (optional), which lets you enter comma-separated custom files that will be synced by Marketo’s REST API name.

View Marketo’s List of Standard Fields documentation for a complete list of standard fields and Marketo’s REST API names. Reach out to Segment support if you’re interested in other fields.

This page was last modified: 02 May 2024

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