Facebook Ads Source

Source Info
  • The Facebook Ads Source is an Object Cloud source. This means that it sends information (traits) about a thing that exists and persists over time, such as a person or company, and which can be updated over time. Data from this source can only be exported directly to a warehouse, but it can then be used for further analysis. Learn more about cloud sources.

Facebook is one of the most efficient ways to advertise online. Take your company’s analysis to the next level by adding Facebook Ads as a Source to Segment.

Getting Started

  1. From your workspace’s /sources page, click add source.

  2. Choose Facebook Ads.

  3. Give the source a nickname. The nickname is a label used in the Segment interface, and Segment creates a related schema name which you query against in your warehouse. The nickname can be whatever you like, but we recommend sticking to something that reflects the source itself, like Facebook Ads or Facebook Ads Prod.

    Screenshot of the Facebook Ads setup flow in the Segment app.

  4. Click Create And Continue then Connect to OAuth into Facebook.

  5. Select which accounts you would like to sync (you may change this selection later).

The second step in the Facebook Ads setup flow in the Segment app.

  1. Click Finish.


If your Facebook user has read permissions to Facebook Ads account’s data, you should be able to use your account for the Source.



Facebook Ads has a sync component, which means we’ll make requests to their API on your behalf on a 3 hour interval to pull the latest data into Segment. In the initial sync, we’ll grab all the Facebook objects (and their corresponding properties) according to the Collections table below. The objects will be written into a separate schema, corresponding to the source instance’s schema name you designated upon creation. For example, if you went with fb_ads, the ads collection will be accessible at fb_ads.ads in SQL.

Our sync component uses an upsert API, so the data in your warehouse loaded using sync will reflect the latest state of the corresponding resource in Facebook Ads. For example, if budget from 0 to 100 between syncs, on its next sync that tickets status will be 100.

The source syncs and warehouse syncs are independent processes. Source runs pull your data into the Segment Hub, and warehouse runs flush that data to your warehouse. Sources will sync with Segment every 3 hours. Depending on your Warehouses plan, we will push the Source data to your warehouse on the interval associated with your billing plan.


Collections are the groupings of resources we pull from your source. In your warehouse, each collection gets its own table.

Collection Type Description
ad_accounts object An ad account is an account used to manage ads on Facebook
ad_sets object An ad set is a group of ads that share the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid type, bid info, and targeting data
ads object An ad object contains the data necessary to visually display an ad and associate it with a corresponding ad set.
campaigns object A campaign is a grouping of ad sets which are organized by the same business objective.
insights object Insights contain performance statistics for an ad broken down by day.

Collection Properties

The following tables outline the properties included in collections.

Ad Accounts

Property Name Description
id Ad Account ID.
balance Bill amount due.
name Name of the account. If the account name is not set, the name of the first admin visible to the user will be returned.
partner_id The ID of a Facebook Page or Facebook App.
spend_cap The maximum that can be spent by this account after which campaigns will be paused. A value of 0 signifies no spending-cap and setting a new spend cap only applies to spend AFTER the time at which you set it. Value specified in basic unit of the currency, e.g. cents for USD.

Ad Sets

Property Name Description
id Ad set ID.
account_id Ad Account ID.
campaign_id Campaign ID.
configured_status The status set at the ad set level. It can be different from the effective status due to its parent campaign.
daily_budget The daily budget of the set defined in your account currency.
effective_status The effective status of the ad set, which can be either its own status or caused by its parent campaign.
end_time End time, in UTC UNIX timestamp.
name Name of ad set.


Property Name Description
id The ID of this ad.
adset_id ID of the ad set that contains the ad.
account_id The ID of the ad account that this ad belongs to.
bid_amount Bid amount for this ad which will be used in auction instead of the ad set bid_amount, if specified.
bid_type Bid type.
campaign_id ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad.
name Name of the ad.
status The configured status of the ad.
url_parameters URL parameters.
utm_source UTM source.
utm_medium UTM medium.
utm_campaign UTM campaign.
utm_term UTM term.
utm_content UTM content.


Property Name Description
id Campaign’s ID.
account_id ID of the ad account that owns this campaign.
buying_type Buying type.
effective_status The effective status of this campaign.
name Campaign’s name.
spend_cap A spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap. Expressed as integer value of the subunit in your currency.
start_time Start time.
stop_time Stop time.


Property Name Description
id Segment internal ID.
ad_id The unique ID of the ad you’re viewing in reporting.
clicks The number of clicks on your ads.
date_start The start date for your data.
date_stop The end date for your data.
frequency The average number of times each person saw your ad.
impressions The number of times your ads were on screen.
inline_post_engagements The total number of actions that people take involving your ads.
social_spend The total amount you’ve spent so far for your ads showed with social information.
spend The estimated total amount of money you’ve spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule.
unique_clicks The number of people who performed a click (all). This metric is estimated.
unique_impressions Deprecated in favor of reach . You can continue to query unique_impressions for this metric, but zero-values will now be null.
reach The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people.

Additional Insights fields

Segment supports both Breakdowns for Insights and Ads Actions Stats. Breakdowns and Ads Action Stats are not enabled by default; reach out to Segment support to enable them.

The following table lists the Ads Action Stats that Segment supports:

Field Description
actions The total number of actions people took that are attributed to your ads.
actions_values The total value of all conversions attributed to your ads.
unique_actions The total number of unique actions attributed to your ads.
video_p25_watched_actions The number of times your video played at 25% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.
video_p50_watched_actions The number of times your video played at 50% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.
video_p75_watched_actions The number of times your video played at 75% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.
video_p95_watched_actions The number of times your video played at 95% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.
video_p100_watched_actions The number of times your video played at 100% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.
video_30_sec_watched_actions The number of times your video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it’s shorter than 30 seconds.
video_avg_time_watched_actions The average time a video played, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression.

For more information, view Meta’s Insights documentation.

Adding Destinations

Currently, Warehouses are the only supported destination for object-cloud sources.

This page was last modified: 16 Jan 2024

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