TikTok Pixel Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

TikTok Pixel is a piece of code that you can place on your website that allows you to share website events with TikTok. With TikTok for Business Tools, the Pixel can help you measure traffic on your website, measure ad campaign performance, optimize your campaigns and find new customers.

Benefits of TikTok Pixel

Use data collected from TikTok Pixel to:

  • Build marketing audiences: Create custom Audiences based on website visitor events, like viewing a product page or making a purchase. Audiences can be used to re-engage previous site visitors or model lookalikes to find new customers.
  • Optimize ad delivery: Target Audiences that are more likely to initiate a website event by setting an optimization goal on visitor events like add to cart, view page, or purchase.
  • Measure campaign performance: Measure your ad performance and return on ad spend (ROAS) based on a series of conversion events you define.

This destination is maintained by TikTok. For any issues with the destination, contact TikTok’s Support team.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.
  2. Search for “TikTok Pixel” in the search bar, then click on the Destination “TikTok Pixel”.
  3. Click Add Destination.
  4. Select an existing JavaScript Source to connect to TikTok Pixel.
  5. Give the Destination a name.
  6. On the Settings screen, provide the Pixel Code. This can be found in the TikTok Events Manager (TTEM).
  7. Toggle on the Destination using the Enable Destination toggle.
  8. Click Save Change.

Mappings enabled by default

After setting up the Destination, Segment enables seven mappings by default. You can click on the mappings tab to view and edit these mappings.

  • View Content: When a page is viewed
  • Search: When a search is made
  • Add to Wishlist: When an item is added to a wishlist
  • Add to Cart: When an item is added to the shopping cart
  • Initiate Checkout: When the checkout process is started
  • Add Payment Info: When payment information is added in the checkout flow
  • Place an Order: When an order is placed

Destination Settings

Setting Description
Limited Data Use

In order to help facilitate advertiser’s compliance with the right to opt-out of sale and sharing of personal data under certain U.S. state privacy laws, TikTok offers a Limited Data Use (“LDU”) feature. For more information, please refer to TikTok’s documentation page.

Pixel Code Required.

Your TikTok Pixel ID. Please see TikTok’s Pixel documentation for information on how to find this value.

Available Presets

TikTok Pixel has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Add to Wishlist Event event = "Product Added to Wishlist"
Report Web Event
Complete Registration Event event = "Signed Up"
Report Web Event
Initiate Checkout Event event = "Checkout Started"
Report Web Event
Search Event event = "Products Searched"
Report Web Event
Add Payment Info Event event = "Payment Info Entered"
Report Web Event
Add to Cart Event event = "Product Added"
Report Web Event
Submit Form Event event = "Form Submitted"
Report Web Event
Contact Event event = "Callback Started"
Report Web Event
Download Event event = "Download Link Clicked"
Report Web Event
Click Button Event event = "Product Clicked"
Report Web Event
Place an Order Event event = "Order Placed"
Report Web Event
Complete Payment Event event = "Order Completed"
Report Web Event
View Content Event event = "Product Viewed"
Report Web Event
Subscribe Event event = "Subscription Created"
Report Web Event

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following TikTok Pixel-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Report Web Event

Report events directly to TikTok. Data shared can power TikTok solutions like dynamic product ads, custom targeting, campaign optimization and attribution.

Report Web Event is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

Conversion event name. Please refer to the “Supported Web Events” section on in TikTok’s Pixel SDK documentation for accepted event names.

Event ID Type: STRING

Any hashed ID that can identify a unique user/session.

Phone Number Type: STRING

A single phone number in E.164 standard format. TikTok Pixel will hash this value before sending to TikTok. e.g. +14150000000. Segment will hash this value before sending to TikTok.

Email Type: STRING

A single email address. TikTok Pixel will be hash this value before sending to TikTok.

First Name Type: STRING

The first name of the customer. The name should be in lowercase without any punctuation. Special characters are allowed.

Last Name Type: STRING

The last name of the customer. The name should be in lowercase without any punctuation. Special characters are allowed.

Address Type: OBJECT

The address of the customer.

Order ID Type: STRING

Order ID of the transaction.

Shop ID Type: STRING

Shop ID of the transaction.

External ID Type: STRING

Uniquely identifies the user who triggered the conversion event. TikTok Pixel will hash this value before sending to TikTok.

Contents Type: OBJECT

Related item details for the event.

Content Type Type: STRING

Type of the product item. When the content_id in the Contents field is specified as a sku_id, set this field to product. When the content_id in the Contents field is specified as an item_group_id, set this field to product_group.

Currency Type: STRING

Currency for the value specified as ISO 4217 code.

Value Type: NUMBER

Value of the order or items sold.

Description Type: STRING

A string description of the web event.

Query Type: STRING

The text string that was searched for.


Use a Segment identify() call to sent PII data to TikTok Pixel. Note that the PII information will be sent with the next track() call.

Identify is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

Conversion event name. Please refer to the “Supported Web Events” section on in TikTok’s Pixel SDK documentation for accepted event names.

Event ID Type: STRING

Any hashed ID that can identify a unique user/session.

Phone Number Type: STRING

A single phone number in E.164 standard format. TikTok Pixel will hash this value before sending to TikTok. e.g. +14150000000. Segment will hash this value before sending to TikTok.

Email Type: STRING

A single email address. TikTok Pixel will be hash this value before sending to TikTok.

First Name Type: STRING

The first name of the customer. The name should be in lowercase without any punctuation. Special characters are allowed.

Last Name Type: STRING

The last name of the customer. The name should be in lowercase without any punctuation. Special characters are allowed.

Address Type: OBJECT

The address of the customer.

Order ID Type: STRING

Order ID of the transaction.

Shop ID Type: STRING

Shop ID of the transaction.

External ID Type: STRING

Uniquely identifies the user who triggered the conversion event. TikTok Pixel will hash this value before sending to TikTok.

Contents Type: OBJECT

Related item details for the event.

Content Type Type: STRING

Type of the product item. When the content_id in the Contents field is specified as a sku_id, set this field to product. When the content_id in the Contents field is specified as an item_group_id, set this field to product_group.

Currency Type: STRING

Currency for the value specified as ISO 4217 code.

Value Type: NUMBER

Value of the order or items sold.

Description Type: STRING

A string description of the web event.

Query Type: STRING

The text string that was searched for.

Getting started with Pixel and obtaining the Pixel code

Please refer to the TikTok Help Center documentation to learn more about how to get started with TikTok Pixel. Once the Pixel is created, please retrieve the Pixel Code from TikTok Events Manager (TTEM).

Advanced Matching

Advanced Matching helps you optimize your TikTok ads and drive performance by matching customer information with TikTok users. Hashed customer information can be shared with any TikTok event to attribute more conversions, build bigger audiences, and improve campaign optimization.

There are two types of Advanced Matching: manual or automatic.

Manual Advanced Matching is the passing of customer information to TikTok from your website. With this option, you have the flexibility to configure what information and for which event you want to pass to TikTok. This will be enabled automatically if PIIs are included in the Pixel events sent from TikTok Pixel Destination.

When email and/or phone number values are sent to TikTok, TikTok will try to match users with the PII you send to TikTok. If you don’t send email or phone number values, TikTok will try to match users with IP and user-agent values that are included in the Pixel event payload.

Automatic Advanced Matching is when advertisers instruct TikTok to automatically identify form fields on pages where Pixel is installed and to hash and collect email and phone numbers entered on those pages for ad measurement and attribution purposes. Learn more about Automatic Advanced Matching and how to turn it on in TikTok help center.

To maximize Advanced Matching’s performance, TikTok recommends using both Manual and Automatic Advanced Matching at the same time.

PII hashing

  • TikTok hashes all values with sha256 before processing.

  • Normalize phone numbers you send to TikTok with in the E.164 format. This format is a combination of +[country code][phone number]. For example: +12133734253.

Data and privacy

Visit TikTok’s docs to learn more about TikTok’s privacy and data terms.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Limited Data Use boolean, defaults to FALSE .

In order to help facilitate advertiser’s compliance with the right to opt-out of sale and sharing of personal data under certain U.S. state privacy laws, TikTok offers a Limited Data Use (“LDU”) feature. For more information, please refer to TikTok’s documentation page.
Pixel Code
string. Your TikTok Pixel ID. Please see TikTok’s Pixel documentation for information on how to find this value.

This page was last modified: 02 May 2024

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