Qualtrics Destination

Qualtrics is an Experience Management platform that allows companies to design and improve customer and employee experiences through listening, analysis and action. Power richer Qualtrics insights or perform action based on your event data using the Qualtrics destination

Benefits of Qualtrics (Actions)

Qualtrics (Actions) provides the following benefits:

  • Keeping your contact data in sync. The Qualtrics destination provides actions to sync your contact data from your system of record up to date with Qualtrics XiD
  • Streamlined configuration. Qualtrics destination maps your event data to the Qualtrics API & Qualtrics xflow (workflows) out of the box


The Qualtrics destination is only available to customers on a Business Tier plan with Segment.

To link your Qualtrics destination in Segment to your Qualtrics workspace, Qualtrics requires a Segment Token that can only be generated by Business Tier customers who have access to the Public API.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.
  2. Find the Destinations Actions item in the left navigation, and click it.
  3. Click Configure Qualtrics.
  4. Select an existing Source to connect to Qualtrics (Actions).
  5. To authenticate, enter your API key & Datacenter ID. To locate your API key & Datacenter ID, follow in the instructions in the Finding your Qualtrics IDs documentation.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
API Token Required.

Qualtrics API token found in your Qualtrics account under “Account settings” -> “Qualtrics IDs.”

Datacenter ID Required.

Qualtrics datacenter id that identifies where your qualtrics instance is located. Found under “Account settings” -> “Qualtrics IDs”.

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Qualtrics-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Create and/or update contact in XM Directory

Create and/or update contact in XM Directory. Updating is handled by contact deduplication in your directory settings. If deduplication is setup correctly this action will perform UPSERT operations on contacts

Create and/or update contact in XM Directory is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Directory ID* Type: STRING

Directory id. Also known as the Pool ID. POOL_XXX

External Data Reference Type: STRING

The external data reference which is a unique identifier for the user

Email Type: STRING

Email of contact

Phone number Type: STRING

Phone number of contact

First Name Type: STRING

First name of contact

Last Name Type: STRING

Last name of contact

Language Type: STRING

Language code of the contact

Contact is unsubscribed Type: BOOLEAN

Should the contact be unsubscribed from correspondence

Contact embedded data Type: OBJECT

Contact embedded data (properties of the contact)

Start a workflow in Qualtrics

This action is used to kick off a workflow in Qualtrics

Start a workflow in Qualtrics is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Workflow URL* Type: STRING

Enter the full URL as you see in your Xflow trigger. See more details on setting up an xflow trigger and getting the URL.

Event payload Type: OBJECT

A mapping of key values to send to Qualtrics xflow.

Upsert contact transaction

Add a transaction to a contact in Qualtrics directory. If the contact already exists, add the transaction. If the contact does not exist, create the contact first, then add the transaction record.

Upsert contact transaction is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track", event = "Transaction Created"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Directory ID* Type: STRING

Directory id. Also known as the Pool ID. POOL_XXX

Mailing list ID* Type: STRING

ID of the mailing list the contact belongs too. If not part of the event payload, create / use an existing mailing list from Qualtrics. Will have the form CG_xxx

Contact ID Type: STRING

The id of the contact to add the transaction. if this field is not supplied, you must supply an external data reference, email and/or phone so a look can be performed. If the lookup does not find a contact, one will be created with these fields and including the optionally supplied firstName, lastName, language, subscribed and embeddedData

External Data Reference* Type: STRING

The external data reference which is a unique identifier for the user. This is only used to search for the contact and if a new contact needs to be created, it is not added to the transaction data.

Email Type: STRING

Email of contact. This is only used to search for the contact and if a new contact needs to be created, it is not added to the transaction data.

Phone number Type: STRING

Phone number of contact. This is only used to search for the contact and if a new contact needs to be created, it is not added to the transaction data.

First name Type: STRING

First name of contact. This is only used if a new contact needs to be created and is not added to the transaction data.

Last name Type: STRING

Last name of contact. This is only used if a new contact needs to be created and is not added to the transaction data.

Language Type: STRING

Language code of the contact. This is only used if a new contact needs to be created and is not added to the transaction data.

Contact is unsubscribed Type: BOOLEAN

Should the contact be unsubscribed from correspondence. This is only used if a new contact needs to be created and is not added to the transaction.

Contact embedded data Type: OBJECT

Contact embedded data (properties of the contact). These are added to the contact only if a new contact needs to be created not added to the transaction.

Date & time of transaction Type: DATETIME

Date and time of when the transaction occurred.

Transaction data Type: OBJECT

Properties of the transaction too add to the users record

This page was last modified: 09 Aug 2024

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