Criteo Audiences Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Criteo Audiences (Actions) enables advertisers to send Segment Persona Audiences to Criteo using Criteo’s Audience API.

By using Segment’s Persona Audiences with Criteo, you can increase traffic and drive conversions with hyper-relevant ads that promote product discovery.

Benefits of Criteo Audiences (Actions)

Benefits of the Criteo Audiences (Actions) destination include:

  • Improved email matching: This integration creates a direct connection between Segment and Criteo for a higher match rate of email identifiers.

  • Fewer settings: Unlike Criteo’s Filter destination, this destination doesn’t require any copy and paste code. You only need your Advertiser ID and Criteo API credentials.

  • Criteo Audience: You don’t need a Criteo audience ID as the audience gets created on the fly using the Engage audience name. This enables the names of audience segments to be consistent across Segment and Criteo.

  • Batching events and support for large audiences: This destination supports batching which enables Criteo to receive large audiences without discrepancies.

  • Near real time audience updates: Actions destination helps Criteo receive real-time events and add or remove users from Criteo audiences appropriately.

Getting Started


Before connecting to the Criteo Audiences (Actions) destination, you must create a Criteo API Marketing Solutions app to generate your app credentials (client ID and secret) as per the guidelines in Criteo’s Developer’s Portal.

You will also need your Criteo Advertiser ID. Please reach out to your Criteo Account Strategist to get this ID.

To Add the Criteo Audiences Destination:

  1. From your Segment workspace, go to Connections > Catalog and click Destinations.

  2. Search for Criteo Audiences in the Destinations Catalog and select the destination.

  3. Click Configure Criteo Audiences.

  4. Select the space in Engage to use as the Source as this destination only supports sending Engage Audiences to Criteo.

  5. On the Settings tab, name your destination. For example, Criteo audiences – <audience name>.

  6. Enter your Criteo Advertiser ID, API client ID and client secret.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. In the Mappings tab, click New Mapping and select Add Users to Audience. To hash emails before you send them to Criteo, select yes in the Hash Emails dropdown. By default, emails are not hashed before you send them to Criteo; however, Criteo will hash the emails before storing them in our system. DO NOT change any other default settings.

  9. Under the Configure actions fields, set Enable Batching to Yes and click Save.

  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for Remove Users from Audience.

  11. Enable both mappings.

  12. Go to the Settings tab and Enable the destination.

  13. Select your space, and navigate to Engage > Audiences. Select the source audience that you want to send to your Criteo Audiences destination.

  14. Click Add Destinations and select the Criteo Audience destination you created. In the settings that appear on the right-hand side, toggle the Send Track option on and disable Send Identify. Click Save.

Your Criteo destination is now ready to receive audiences, and your Persona audiences now reflect in your Criteo Advertiser dashboard. Be aware, it takes 12-24 hours for the number of identifiers to populate in Criteo’s Management Center.

You can connect ONE Engage audience to a single instance of Criteo Audience destination. If you have multiple audiences, repeat the above process to create a new Criteo audience destination and connect the audience to new destination each time.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
Advertiser ID Required.

Your Criteo Advertiser ID

API Client ID Required.

Your Criteo API client ID

API Client Secret Required.

Your Criteo API client secret

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Criteo Audiences-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Remove users from Audience

Remove users from Criteo audience by connecting to Criteo API

Remove users from Audience is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Audience Exited"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Audience key Type: STRING

Unique name for personas audience

Event name Type: STRING

Event for audience entering or exiting

Email Type: STRING

The user’s email

Hash Emails Type: BOOLEAN

Hash emails before sending them to Criteo (may lower your audience’s match rate). If deactivated, emails will be sent unhashed to Criteo’s API and will be hashed upon reception at Criteo’s server.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Add users to Audience

Add users from Criteo audience by connecting to Criteo API

Add users to Audience is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Audience Entered"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Audience key Type: STRING

Unique name for personas audience

Event name Type: STRING

Event for audience entering or exiting

Email Type: STRING

The user’s email

Hash Emails Type: BOOLEAN

Hash emails before sending them to Criteo (may lower your audience’s match rate). If deactivated, emails will be sent unhashed to Criteo’s API and will be hashed upon reception at Criteo’s server.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Legacy Destination

Please discontinue use of the legacy Criteo destination. Follow the steps above to define your Segment Persona Audiences to be sent to Criteo.

This page was last modified: 15 Aug 2024

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